Red Ranger: "Andros" (Andros)

Andros, the Red Lightstar Ranger, is the leader of the new team. He is from KO-35 a planet in the Karova System. He is a bit stubborn at first with the other rangers, but now finds them loyal and trustworthy. Andros's weapon is the Spiral Sabre. He also commands Mega Voyager Zord 1 and currently has a love interest with Ashley. He also has a sister named Karone who was stolen years ago while they were playing. He still searches for his sister and vows to never give up, and has finally found her, he discovered Astronema's locket is exactly the same as his pictures, and he will do everything he can to convince her that she is his sister and succeeded. However he is devestated at the present state of his sister's reprogramming and vows one day, he will get his sister back. While doing battle against his now evil progrmmed sister, he now has a new weapon known as battlizer armor, which Silvy activated by pushing number 03 on his battlizer while doing battle against a monster in the Secret City. This new weapon allows Andros to fly with a rocket pack, stronger armor, and missles. Later, Astronema attacks the entire universe and has Zordon in captivity. He had a plan to infiltrate the Dark Fortress to save Zordon and hopefully help Astronema return to Karone. He calls upon his battlizer and goes to the Dark Fortress. He creates a distraction for Ecliptor and locks him out the of the bridge. While talking to Zordon on whether to shatter the tube to save the univers, Astronema shows up and they have a big battle. When Astronema decides to finish him off, she blasts him but is reflected off his Spiral Sabre and hits her. Andros is very upset about this, and Ecliptor soon breaks in and see what has happened. Andros finally shatters the tube which causes all of his powers to be released and evil is wiped out across the universe. Once the battle is over, Andros is home at KO-35, talking with Ashley. He wants to stay home with his people. When the Astromegaship is about to leave, he, Zhane, and Karone all enter and decide to live with the rangers on Earth happily together.

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When Dark Spectre's Clone was discovered, not destroyed in the blast, he and the rangers must go back into battle. He was devestated when Ashley was captrued, and turned into PsychoYellow. When Ashley returns, he officially starts a relationship with her. When he's infected by a Love Spell from Psycho Purple, he, and Ashley, fully recgonize their feelings for each other. When he goes to destroy Dark Spectre, Ashley trys to stop him. He goes anyway, and is nearly destroyed by an Atomic Blast. He returns, and saves the Rangers, from nearly being turned into Piranahatrons, by Psycho Red.

When the truth about QueenPsycho is revealed, his, and Ashley's relationship is put into danger. Even know she's a clone, he cares little. He does everything in his Power to destroy QueenPsycho.

When QueenPsycho takes a love intrest in Andros, his relationship with Ashley is put seriously jeporday, and when he learns the two are linked, he realizes if he destroys QueenPsycho, he'll lose Ashley........