Elatria is a daughter of the pleasureworld Thalia Nine. She is a passionate woman, especially when it comes to the wellbeing of her beloved planet whose beauty attracts many a weary spacefarer. She dedicated her life to running the affairs of her world, and to caring for the priceless Cloak of Noxenet, an artifact of ancient importance to all Thalians. But when it was destroyed in the hands of the careless Power Rangers, Elatria's ideals were shattered. It had been her plan to use the supposedly-powerless Cloak to rise to power in her Galaxy. Only she knew that its legendary magic was real. She even seduced one of the Rangers to get it back from Psycho Ashley. But those plans fell apart, and now she has vowed to take her revenge on the Rangers and grow powerful despite them. She is familliar with all but two of the Delta Rangers. Zhane and Travis however, are the objects of her most pure hate. Travis is the one she tried to seduce into getting the Cloak, and Zhane is the one who destroyed it. In order to get her revenge, she will call upon her powerful friends, the Zeta Reticuli, and take refuge in ship they built for her. Then she will follow the Rangers from galaxy to galaxy, tormenting them until they beg for mercy at her feet.