Plot Page

The Psycho Rangers had been vanquised for the time being. Dark Spectre had met his fate at the hands of his trusted lieutenant, Dark Conda. Astronema's programming had ceased, and when the wave of goodness swept across the galaxy, Karone was returned to the fold. However, as long as there is good in this world, there will be evil, and the wave of good ness could not penetrate into all the dark crevices of the universe. The Ranger's mission was far from over, and just when they tohught the action had ended, Dark Spectre seemed to return out of nowhere. But mystrey surrounded his return....


The Betrayal Saga


Planting a virus into the Megaship's Computer Core, left the Megaship crippled. Knowing only that Rangers could access the core, the Rangers look to one and other for a sabetour amongst their own ranks. When tensions reach their boiling point, a distrubance breaks out on Elenar-6, and the Rangers rush to rescue, and discover the answer to their own mystrey.........."Spectre's Virus"

Using his spy to infiltrate the Megaship, Dark Spectre manages to caputre the Power Sword. This mighty weapon was a great tool who any who wielded it, but with the mal-intent of Dark Spectre using it, things begin to bad. Capturing Ashley, Dark Spectre uses the sword to turn her, and she becomes the new ressurrected Psycho Yellow......."Ashley Captured!!!"

Though it may seem like Ashley has returned to normal, scans of her brain-waves indicate that an increase in anger could result in a relaspe into her aggressive, and psychoatic state. Resuming duty, it becomes increasingly clear, that she is now a different person, and it would seem like it is for the worse. Using the time of rest to their advatange, Zhane and Karone try to develop their relationship a little further...."The Great Date"

A signal is coming from Eltar, and the Rangers believe that their fallen mentor Zordon, may have returned from oblivion. Ashley's condition deteriorates, and her mood shifts to a more evil state. Finally she falls over the edge, as she returns to her psychotic level........."Ashley's Change"

With Ashley currently stunned, the Rangers race to find a cure to her illness. Offering a solution to their problem, Dark Spectre offers a trade. Zordon's Key Cards, in exchange for a safe mental return to their friend, and comrade. Having no choice the rangers walk into a trap. When the dust settles, they learn where this Dark Spectre came from, and that the cure, was really a poison. They are unable to administer it either, for Ashley has vanished............"Pact with the Devil"

Six days later the Rangers finally locate Ashley, but their friend appears to be gone. In her place stands a fully restored Psycho Yellow Ranger. Having no choice but to engage in battle with their comrade, the Rangers are swiftly defeated, and Karone is taken prisoner......"Return of Psycho Yellow Part 1"

Psycho Yellow returns from her defeat, and she has brought allies with her. Vanquishing the Rangers swiftly after their first engagement, the Rangers make another attempt. Using the powers of the Battlizer, Andros levels the playing field, and Psycho Yellow quickly finds herself alone against her friends. The Rangers face a dangerous choice, let their friend live, and be destroyed, or slay a member of their own family....."Return of Psycho Yellow Part 2"Log 1 Log 2

With The Psychos gone, life stabalized, and returned to normal. The Rangers were still faced with the threat of Dark Spectre, but the immediate danger was over for now.

The End of Dark Spectre Saga

Facing a great dilemma, TJ must decide what course his life must take. His answer comes to him though in the heat of battle, when he realizes where his true place is....."Choices can be Fatal"

Confusion in sues as Dark Spectre launches a monster capable of swithcing people's bodies. The Rangers must learn how to fight in different bodies, and gain a better understand of their own teammates. Karone is asked to travel to Aquaitar to engage in training......"Invasion of the Ranger Switcher"

Karone returns early as she seeks her family out to help her confront her fears of war. However, when she returns, the Rangers face the Shrinkasect Monster, which shrinks Karone, Zhane, Carlos, and Cassie. Andros, Ashley, and TJ race to find a solution to their "small" problem. TJ finally reaches a decision about his life, and leaves his comrades, departing from the war....." A Small Problem"

A strange comet leaves the remaining Rangers without their memory. Trying to remember who they are, the Rangers learn what they can from the memory banks of the Megaship, but soon they must face battle, without all of them. The experience brings Ashley, and Andros a little closer....."The Memory Lapse"

Karone's training instigates a fight between Zhane and Andros when she leaves to defend Triforia against a new invasion from Dark Spectre. Their fight escalate to blows, and Andros is left stunned so Zhane and Cassie can head to Triforia to help Karone. In the heat of the invasion, Karone is seriously wounded, just as Andros arrives on the scene...."A Fear of War"

A new Psycho Ranger invades the Megaship, and instead of sabotaging the vessel she releases a pheremone that amplifies the feelings of the Rangers for each other. With this new distraction, Karone and Zhane quickly give into their feelings, making a decision which keeps them out of battle. Ashley and Andros are able to resist the spell for a short time, and learn what is really going on......"Psycho Horomones Part 1"

Carlos returning from a survey mission, walks right into the antics on the Megaship. Learning from Andros what is transpiring, he leaves for the surface to confront Psycho Purple, manging to seperate Karone from Zhane for the time being......"Psycho Horomones Part 2"

With Karone returning to Triforia to finish her training, Andros recieves a message from a strange source. Finding an opportunity to strike Dark Spectre, Andros leaves the Megaship by himself to confront his enemy. As the other Rangers learn where their leader has gone to, the bring the Megaship to his aid, but are attacked, and the ship is forced to land on a planet, and its passengers are taken prisoner....."The Fall of Dark Spectre Part 1"

Psycho Red keeps the Rangers prisoners, and threatens to turn them into Pirhanatrons, but not before Andros steps in to save them. Revealing their new battlizers to them, they confront Psycho Red, as well as Dark Spectre. A great battle ensues, and in the process, the cloned Dark Spectre is destroyed......"The Fall of Dark Spectre Part 2"

The cloned Dark Spectre had been destroyed, and peace was finally brought upon the galaxy. With the Megaship all but destroyed on the planet it had crashed on, the Rangers constructed, and launched their new ship, the Astro Ultraship, which when morphed the Rangers could use it to form the new Astro UltraZord. Peace did not last long though, for the remaining Psychos rallied together, and a new leader came to the front, one that was stronger than any of the Psychos that the rangers had fought before. Wielding the power of the Psychos, she converted the remaining Quantrons to Psychotrons, and Queen Psycho as she became known unleashed her new horde upon the Rangers.

The Birth of a Queen Saga

The launch of the UltraShip was interrupted by Queen Psycho as she unleashed her horde of Psychotrons upon the ship. The Rangers realized they faced a deadly new enemy, and what was even more shocking was the fact that their enemy was none other than Ashley. She had replaced her self within the Rangers with a clone, and had been the one who sent Psycho Purple to distract the Rangers in the first place....."Coming of the Queen

In attempt to remove Zhane from the picture, Queen Psycho unleashed a creature which removed all of Zhane's abilities from him. It was not until the Rangers destroyed the creature that Zhane regained his abilities........"Zhane's Bad Day

Cassie begins to experience internal conflicts with herself, and it looks like she may be out of the picture. At the end of a mission the Rangers are once again attacked by the Psychos, and the battle leaves Cassie even more unstable then before.............."Cassie's Split

Cassie meets a stranger on a the next planet the Rangers encounter in their search for the Psychos. She helps Cassie regain her stability, and aids the Rangers in fighting off a group of Psychotrons that want to conquer her planet, by temporaily accepting the Blue Ranger powers.

When the Rangers collect soil samples on a planet, one sample leaves Andros with a case of paranoia. Losing control, Andros begins to see his friends as his enemies, which prompt his friends to try and sedate him. Escaping from them, he uses his knowledge of the ship against his friends, and their own home turns into a deadly trap for the Rangers.........."Andros's Goes Postal"

When Andros regains consciousness, he finds that the other Rangers don't fully trust him anymore, especially Ashley. Leaving the ship to find more space, Ashley is captured by a native named Yakinda who wants to make her queen of his people. Carlos, and Andros locate Ashley, and rush off to save her, only to walk into a deadly trap...."A Token of Affection"

On his way to propse marriage to Karone, Zhane is struck by a car, and loses his memory. Using this to her advantage Queen Psycho poses as Ashley and convices Zhane to trust her. Using this trust she brings Zhane into a trap, bent on removing the Silver Ranger from the picture once and for all........"A Zhane Christmas"

After meeting up with the Rangers of the past, Andros, Zhane, and Carlos are sucked into a Temporal Inversion while en route to another planet, and transported into the future. Returning to Earth, they find that the horrors of war have levelled much of the planet, which is now controlled by the Psychos. The Rangers having no way back try to search for their friends, which they believe may still be somewhere on the planet......"A Dark Future Part 1"

Andros, and Zhane are grief stricken when they find the grave of Karone, but realize they must carry on the search for Ashley and Cassie. Attacked by two of the Psycho Rangers, Zhane is wounded and battle, and is forced to retreat to the UltraShip. Carlos though has more luck, and is able to locate Cassie, which is the first piece of good news the three have had since they arrived......"A Dark Future Part 2"

The good news does not last long though, for Psycho Blue attacks Carlos, and Cassie, and during the battle Cassie is killed. Zhane was able to join the battle, and beat back Psycho Blue. Locating Ashley in an aboadend warehouse where she has been living since the invasion, Andros tries to gain her support, but the war, and the years that have past have left her battered, and bruised. Carlos and Zhane are confronted by Psycho Black who captures Carlos and takes him to his Queen. Ashley decides to aid her friends once more and leads them to the Psycho's Fortress on Earth. Once there, they walk into a trap set by Queen Psycho. With a high price paid, the Rangers defeat Queen Psycho, and learn that a spatial event is occurring that will allow them to return to the past..."A Dark Future Part 3" Log 1 Log 2

Queen Psycho begins to target her clone who she attacks with a vengence. A rivalery begins between the two, one that threatens the relationship that Andros has with his Ashley...."A Showdown with Destiny"

The war with the Psycho Rangers, and their leader Queen Psycho had begun, and Queen Psycho had sent the Rangers a powerful message. Their past friendship meant nothing, and she was out to take no prisoners. Having been to the future, the Rangers knew what would happen if they failed. The Psycho Rangers had begun to go on the offensive as well, bringing the battle to the Rangers. The result of this was heightend stress among the Rangers, and a strain in Andros and Ashley's relationship. The Rangers knew that a difficult war was coming, so they dug in, and tried to prepare their best for what the future may bring.

The Long Night Saga

Encountering a strange weather phenomenon the Rangers learn that the Psycho Rangers are trying to draw Earth out of its orbit to try and destroy the Human Race. The Rangers face a dangerous battle as the Astro UltraShip faces its coutner part, the Psychoship....."A White Eve"

When a battle with Psycho Blue results in giving Andros, Cassie, and Ashley the minds of 5-year-olds, Carlos is left in charge. He must face PsychoHelix alone, so that he may return his friends to normal........."A Childs Actions"

Practing her tactic of dividing and conqueroring, Queen Psycho captures Andros, and subjects him to torture, and seduction. However, Andros uses this to his advantage, as it appears that he is the Queen's weakness. Rescued by his Ashley, he returns to the Rangers with a startling discovery. The two forms of Ashley are linked, and if one of them is destroyed, then both of them will die...."The Weak Spot in Her Armor"

Using the disguise of Karone, Queen Psycho infiltrates the Ultraship. She sabotages the engines which leaves the ship adrift in space........."Achiellies Heel"

Trying to draw the Rangers out, Queen Psycho captures her own father, and uses him as a hostage. The Rangers must face her in battle in order to get back Mister Hammond......"Dark Heart"

Karone finally returns from Triforia, and the Andros's family is once again complete. Carlos and Cassie decide to return to their families for a short visit, and are captured en route. Attempting to convert Carlos, Queen Psycho tries to seduce him, but fails. The Phantom Ranger appears and tries to rescue Cassie, but walks right into a trap set for him. The other Rangers locate their friends, and save them, restoring the Power Ruby to the Phantom Ranger. Queen Psycho has the last laugh though as she sows discord between Zhane and Andros.......Sleepless in SpaceLog 1Log 2

During a battle Andros and Zhane are knocked out, and forced to relive their last days on KO-35, as well as the death of their friends..."Old Friends"Log 1Log 2

A mission to a planet where an anicent race once lived, yields a device that is found by the Rangers. Accidently dropped by Andros, the device splits Cassie into two people, one good, the other evil. Attacked by the forces of the Psycho Rangers, Evil Cassie turns on the Rangers, but is defeated......."A Split of Faith"

Christmas Eve is picture-esque for the Rangers as peace reigns on Earth. That peace is shattered on Christmas Day as the Rangers are forced into combat by Queen Psycho. While the other Rangers become incapacitated by the Psycho Rangers, the Yellow Ranger, and Queen Psycho combat, which results in the two Ashleys being sucked into a portal........"Andros's First Christmas"

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