Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Join on, and explore the expanded word of Power Rangers, as the Rangers join together again and fight against the Evil's of the Grey Rangers. Ready Guys, ITS MORPHING TIME!

Power Rangers in Space
Dark Spectre was destroyed but his legacy goes on, as the malicious Psycho Rangers return led by a strange new leader, one that will tear at the Ranger's foundation, and lead them to destruction unless they can somehow manage to pull together, and save the world.

Power Rangers Delta
While the new Rangers battle their way through the Lost Galaxy, and the reconstruction from the Psycho Empire takes place on Earth, the old Space Rangers, must regather, and form new powers to combat the new evil Queen Elatria. Elatria is more than prepared though, and her trechery is sown deep within the Rangers themselves.

Power Rangers Neo
Three friends are transported to the anime world by the evil demon known as Earl, and their story begins. Now they must face all the darkest challenges of the anime universe as well as the weaknesses in themselves. Prepare to unlock the powers of Virtue.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, and Power Rangers in Space are trademarks of Saban, and (*headshake*) Disney. Power Rangers Delta, and Power Rangers Neo borrowed material, concept and ideas from the Established Power Rangers series, which are trademarks of Saban, and Disney.