A Page that gives info on the RPG, and the current roles!!
The Plot Page is the entire length, and plots of the RPG that we have done!
Pictures of the Astro-Ultraship, and the internal pictures.
These are the weapons of the RPG.

Here is a Christmas Poem

Click Here for PRiS Theme Song

Thanks to Power Rangers Central for Images, and HTML Power Rangers Central

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PRiICQ (Mac 800k)- Here is the Mac version of PowerRanger ICQ. Windows version soon to come!!

Winner of the SubSpace Award for RPGs'
RPG Movie
Lost Galaxy is Coming (Movie)
Other Versions

A Word from Zhane: This page and the Power Rangers of SorceryNet are made out of pure fun, we aren't making any proffit off of this page, we are in no way related or apart of Saban Ent. which makes Power Rangers, Power Rangers Zeo, Power Rangers Turbo and Power Rangers In Space...
So don't go suein' us thank you :-)