A Ranger Christmas

As told By Andros

T'was the night before christmas,
And all the threw the ship,
Nothing was stirring,
Except two pairs of lips.

As Zhane, and Karone were kissing,
Under the Mistletoe that hung,
As they finished the gifts under the tree,
In hope that good old Saint Nick would soon be there.

Then as all the Rangers slept in their beds,
There came a sound from the bot,
Of an approaching Sleigh bells,
Even Ashley had the spirit of a tot.

He landed with great care,
By his own magic Powers,
In the shuttle-bay that had been open,
Next to great Zords, that looked like Towers.

Then came such a noise from the simudeck,
That arose such clatter,
The I arose from my bed,
To see what was a matter.

I went down the hall, with blaster holstered,
As I went to check on the sound,
I heard a noise that came from next to me,
As Carlos, heard the great pound.

As I was slowly joined, by my other friends,
I relized that everyone had heard,
The great chatter, and movement,
That had come from the simudeck.

With Ashley at my arm,
All of us crept in, to see what was a matter,
As he appeared,
And the rangers, rose such a clatter.

I quieted them down,
The we looked around,
To see that He had disappeared,
Without a trace.

The over the comp,
Came such a sound,
Of ringing Sleigh Bells,
And the sound of "HO HO HO MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!"
